Pleasant, Claudia!


Behavior and body language have fascinated me from an early age! After almost 20 years of experience in the police – where better to learn about people and behavior? – I have been working as an HR and organizational consultant, trainer/(team) coach and interim manager since 2006 under my own label Argus Management. In my role as an accredited MapsTell Guide, I focus on behavioral styles.

For the right course!

Humor, energetic and decisive, these are three qualities that characterize me in short! As a trainer and coach, my mission is to get people, teams and organizations moving with the aim of becoming happy and successful. Based on my energy, I consciously connect with people, teams and organizations to guide them as a kind of ‘tour guide’.

“Claudia van den Boogaard is able to continue to see the big picture within a company or situation. Without losing sight of people with all their possibilities and limitations. Argus makes the difference.”

I would like to help other people discover their passion. I stoke that fire so that everyone can get the best out of themselves and develop themselves. My belief is that if you are in your strengths, you can function optimally, both individually and in a team. As an adventurer, traveling, discovering and different cultures personally make me happy. That’s where I get my inspiration from.

Life is about creating yourself… (George Bernard Shaw)

I like to ‘rebel’ a bit, I like to look for a different and creative approach to ‘light the fire’. This can be, for example, by challenging with warmth and humor so that you quickly get to the core, or by using working methods that have nothing to do with the work. This often provides the necessary breakthrough. That’s why I like to use Blauwprint’s sandbox method so much. Making it visual and shaping a situation while ‘playing’ helps enormously in gaining insight and therefore understanding things better. This leads to different solutions, visions and actions. I believe that everyone has all the wisdom within them and this fun method certainly helps with that!

‘I help and guide the processes, I am the facilitator. You always remain in control.” My areas of expertise include: behavior and body language, personal development, team development, (personal) leadership, unprocessed experiences and emotions. Questions that clients and clients come to me with include: being stuck in work-life, no energy to burn out, ready for change but not knowing how, resistance or blockages that one wants to get rid of, relationships and conflicts.

“Business with a human touch.”


Argus comes from the Greek mythology. He was a giant with hundred eyes all over his body. One pair of eyes was always awake. Argus means literally “he who sees everything”. This is what we stand for: observing, a thorough analysis, discover talents en puttig people in their strength.

Argus Management strives for sustainable impact by working with: